Monday morning and your alarm rings; time to start the day. Are you ready-to-go? Excited about the possibilities the week will bring? Or are you dreading the day, begrudgingly checking your email with a sigh that emanates from the very depths of your soul? Look. No one …
You Weren’t Born to Do a Single Thing
Look. I’m just going to come right out and say it… I honestly don’t think that you were born to do a single thing. Not one. And I’m admittedly indulging in a bit of word play here. What can I say? It's in my nature. I actually think that you were created (and fully equipped) to do several …
4 Ways to Get Clear About Your Priorities
What matters most to you? One of the ways that we can better manage our time, enhance our productivity and live more fully is to gain clarity about our priorities. If we can create goals that subsequently align with our priorities, we can position ourselves for forward momentum. So. Pop quiz: Can …