I don’t know about you, but I’m going to need a minute. Between the global pandemic, systemic racism against people who look like me, the impending descent of murder hornets plus 17-year cicadas and the dumpster fire that is leadership – we seriously need to regroup. I lowkey feel like we’re up in the Cornucopia with Katniss. Wanna make it to 2021? May the odds ever be in our favor.
But wait, there’s more. As many of us continue to work harder than ever online (Zoom fatigue is real even when you’re grateful for your job), care for family, socialize at a distance with friends and cross the home school finish line, our angst is at an all-time high. I had a recent telehealth session with my therapist while I was still in bed. As in, literally under the covers.
This is all a bit much.
We’ve clearly hit a societal inflection point, and yet we collectively have a lot of work ahead of us to address racial inequality, end the COVID-19 crisis and address climate change in the days ahead. We must prioritize our mental and physical health to fuel ourselves for the journey. Here are 5 ways that you can preserve self and sanity in the days ahead:
5. Move your body. Because endorphins.
4. Make space for all of your feelings. No filtering or judgement.
3. Educate yourself about a topic that genuinely interests you and supports your growth.
2. Connect with your trusted inner circle. Squad is everything.
1. Rest in whatever form works for you. Sit, sleep or zone out.
How are you taking care of yourself these days? Let me know what’s working for you by commenting on Instagram, this is non-negotiable.