Hey there – I hope that you and yours are healthy and safe as you read this. A lot has changed since we last met for the vision board session at Dr. Bolden’s office. A whole lot.
As you read the letter that you wrote to yourself 90+ days ago, I hope that you’ll redouble your efforts to move towards your most important goals. I fundamentally believe that 2020 is not canceled. Different? Yes. Changed? Yes.
And even in our current circumstances we can continue to move forward.
I don’t think that this is the time to do “all of the things.” No one needs that kind of pressure. I do, however want to encourage you to gain clarity about want you *really* want as well as the steps you can take right now (and tomorrow) to get it.
You can download a blank worksheet from our session if you’d like to update your goals. Let me know if I can support you in any way – email is the best way to reach me.
Be well and stay safe,
La Tondra Murray, Career & Life Coach